30 January

Coming soon - The Fantastic Life of Minnie Rubinski

Minnie as an older woman

The Fantastic Life of Minnie Rubinski, a unique piece of exhibition theatre, will come to The Little Theatre in Nairn in March, facilitated by Nairn Book and Arts Festival.

To  find out more and book visit https://nairnlittletheatre.org.uk/box-office/the-fantastic-life-of-minnie-rubinski

Opening on Wednesday 12 March and running until Sunday 16 March, this moving combination of work of art and theatrical production was brought into being by acclaimed Scottish arts company Vision Mechanics.

Minnie Rubinski, now in her eighties and living in a care home, looks back on her fantastic life. But what is real and what is fantasy – and does it really matter?

Audiences enter a giant brain, hear Minnie’s fragmented thoughts and follow pulsing synapses to where her memories are stored. Her recollections from childhood to the present day are recounted through filmed vignettes with characters played by a cast of beautifully carved marionettes, placed in perfectly detailed period sets, inviting audience members to piece together her remarkable life story.

To  find out more and book visit https://nairnlittletheatre.org.uk/box-office/the-fantastic-life-of-minnie-rubinski

THE SCOTSMAN – Joyce McMillan
“it’s perhaps the rich detail of that real-life origin that makes The Fantastic Life of Minnie Rubinski such an outstanding piece of work; full of love for an astonishing woman, and profound recognition of all that this generation of elders have known and been, in their long lifetimes” *****